Am I Too Young for a Facelift? Age Guidelines for Plastic Surgery

One of the most common questions people have about any cosmetic procedure is, “Is now the right time for me to have this done?”

For plastic surgery, this makes sense. Your body is always changing, and given this, there are some more ideal times for certain surgeries than others.

An area where this topic comes up a lot is facelifts. In our Milwaukee, Wisconsin-based practice, we’ve helped a lot of patients lay out their plan for the perfect facelift, which includes answering a lot of questions about what age is best to have one performed.

While the idea of a facelift has traditionally been associated with older adults, the truth is that age is just one factor—and not necessarily the most important one—when determining if you’re ready for this transformative procedure. 

In this piece, we’ll lay out what you need to know in order to determine your ideal timing for a facelift.


What Is a Facelift?

A facelift, or “rhytidectomy,” is a surgical procedure that addresses visible signs of aging in the face and neck.

This is generally done by reducing sagging skin, smoothening deep folds, and restoring the face to a more youthful contour by repositioning underlying facial structures and removing excess skin. Depending on one’s needs, a facelift can be combined with other procedures, such as eyelid surgery or a neck lift, to enhance overall results.


What’s the Ideal Age for a Facelift?

There’s no “perfect age” for a facelift. In fact, there are a host of other factors that come into play to determine your readiness for a facelift before your age is even considered. These factors include skin elasticity, the extent of your visible signs of aging, and your individual goals.

However, if you’re looking for an exact age-related guideline for facelifts, we can provide some general information.

People in their 30s and early 40s might benefit from preventative or mini-facelifts, especially if they have mild sagging or early signs of aging. This specific type of facelift focuses on the lower face and is often considered by individuals who seek to stay ahead of the natural aging process. 

The “sweet spot” for facelifts, if one had to be selected, is the mid-40s to early 50s age range. By this stage, signs of aging such as jowls, deep lines, and sagging skin become more pronounced, and a facelift can be performed to address these specific concerns. Additionally, there are other benefits to having a facelift performed in this age range, such as one’s skin still having enough elasticity to ensure optimal, long-lasting results.

Finally, for those who are in their 60s and beyond, facelifts are still an option, though they should be carefully considered. In general, those seeking a facelift at this age may also want to consider additional treatments and procedures in order to achieve the results they desire. Furthermore, it should be noted that facelifts at this age generally require a slightly longer recovery time than those performed at a younger age.


Am I Ready for a Facelift?

Rather than using your age as an indicator of whether you’re ready for a facelift, it may benefit you to look for the common issues that facelifts can address.

For example, if you have noticeable sagging in the lower face or neck that can’t be corrected with non-surgical treatments, prominent lines running from the nose to the corners of the mouth, a loss of definition along the jawline, or a general tired or aged appearance, you might want to consider a facelift.

That said, there may be other procedures that could benefit you more than a facelift. In order to figure out what those procedures may be, it’s best to schedule a consultation with a professional in order to determine what is best for your specific situation.



While there isn’t a definitive age for a facelift, the decision ultimately comes down to your unique issues, aesthetic goals, and readiness for surgery.

No matter if you’re in your 30s and considering a mini-facelift, or in your 50s and seeking a more comprehensive procedure, you can reach out to the team at our Milwaukee, Wisconsin clinic in order to determine the best course of action to meet your needs.

Contact us today to schedule your personalized consultation and learn more about how a facelift can help you achieve your desired look.