If you’re not satisfied with the shape of your body, especially around the belly, you’ve probably heard the names of two different procedures: a tummy tuck and a liposuction.
While both can set you on a path to obtaining your dream figure, there are fundamental differences between the two — not only regarding the procedures themselves, but what they target and how results are achieved using them.
In our Milwaukee, Wisconsin offices, we have a lot of people come in wondering about the differences between a tummy tuck and a liposuction, as well as how they can choose the right procedure for their specific needs.
For this article, we’re going to break down what each procedure involves, who is best suited for each one, and some things you should consider before making a decision about your plastic surgery plan.
What is a Tummy Tuck?
A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to improve the appearance and shape of your abdomen by removing excess fat and skin.
In the process of removing this excess fat and skin, the abdomen area’s connective tissue is tightened, leaving the patient with a more toned look.
The ideal candidate for a tummy tuck is someone with a significant amount of excess skin in the tummy area. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including pregnancy, aging, or fluctuations in weight. For people who have lost a significant amount of weight, especially in a short amount of time, a tummy tuck may be desired to get rid of excess skin and create a flatter, smoother appearance.
As a tummy tuck is a more invasive procedure than liposuction, recovery can take a bit more time. The recovery process can take several weeks, and we encourage patients to avoid strenuous activity during the healing process.
That said, after about 4 to 6 weeks, you’ll be able to see significant results as swelling goes down. Plus, once the swelling has subsided, the results you see from a tummy tuck are permanent, though you may need to make some lifestyle changes in order to maintain your ideal figure.
What is Liposuction?
Liposuction is a less invasive procedure that involves the removal of fat cells from the body. While not itself a weight loss tool, liposuction can help get rid of stubborn fat deposits that haven’t been responding to diet or exercise.
While a tummy tuck focuses on the abdomen, liposuction can be performed throughout the body, allowing one to work with their surgeon to develop a plan on how best to reshape their figure into their ideal image.
Unlike a tummy tuck, liposuction does not address things like excess skin. Instead, the procedure only concerns the removal of fat, making it ideal for people who are already near their ideal weight but are having trouble shedding fat in specific areas.
Recovery time for liposuction is notably shorter than recovery times for tummy tucks, but that comes with some caveats. While most patients can return to work or their normal activities just a week or two after their liposuction, they may not see results for some time. Many patients report seeing an impact that is comparable to their final results after 3 months, though some patients say that it took 6 months or longer before their body achieved its final shape.
Although liposuction does involve the permanent removal of fat cells, it does not prevent the growth of other fat cells in the future. This means that, if you gain weight, the visibility of this weight gain will likely be reduced in the areas in which you had your liposuction.
Which Procedure is Right For Me?
As noted above, the right candidate for each procedure looks a little bit different. If you have excess skin and fat around the abdomen, you might consider a tummy tuck; if you have stubborn fat deposits that aren’t reacting to diet and exercise, liposuction might be the right move.
However, there is some overlap between these two groups. That’s why it’s important to consult with a board-certified surgeon like Dr. Mark Bosbous before making any major decisions about your next steps.
Through conversations with a high quality surgeon like Dr. Bosbous, you’ll be able to determine which procedure meets your individual needs, as well as what you should expect and prepare for in the weeks leading up to, and the weeks following, your procedure.
If you’re ready to take the next step to feeling more confident in your body, contact our office to schedule a consultation and begin your journey.